
COVID-19 RT-PCR Testing – $229

IC Labs, LLC, is pleased to be able to offer a COVID-19 PCR diagnostic test that can provide results in 48 hours to Las Vegas and Henderson area residents.

Reasons to use this RT-PCR test instead of one of our rapid tests include:

  • Travel to Alaska or Connecticut (NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED BY HAWAII)
  • International travel that specifically requires a negative PCR test
  • Medical facility or physician requirements
  • Desire a test with more sensitivity but can wait up to 48 hours for results

View detailed information about this test.

Test: COVID-19 RT-PCR Test

Cost: $229

Results: 48 Hours or Less

Testing for Travel?

Travel requirements may vary by location and/or airline. For domestic travel, please consult the CDC’s Travel Planner or your airline. Not currently accepted by Hawaii. Accepted by Canada. For other international travel, please consult the State Department’s COVID-19 Country Information or your airline.

Traveling Soon?

Can’t wait 48 hours for results? For travel that does NOT specifically require PCR test results, test and travel today or tomorrow with our Rapid COVID-19 Molecular NAAT test for $199. For travel that specifically requires PCR test results, our Rapid COVID-19 RT-PCR Test for $299 provides same day results and meets the requirements of almost every airline and destination except Hawaii.

Traveling to Canada?

No need to wait up to 48 hours for RT-PCR results. Travelers to Canada can travel with negative Rapid COVID-19 Molecular NAAT Test results. Results in about 3 hours. Same day appointments available.

No Worries Travel

Our Rapid RT-PCR Test utilizes technology currently considered the gold standard for COVID-19 testing with the convenience of same day results. A negative result meets the requirements of almost every airline and destination except the State of Hawaii.

How COVID-19 RT-PCR Testing Works

1. Schedule your appointment.

Appointments are available every 10 minutes Monday through Saturday.

Physician referrals are NOT required.

2. Arrive on time to your appointment.

  • Park in one of the parking spaces designated with an orange cone. Each cone has a sign with a phone number and a space number.
  • Text the phone number on the sign with your name and space number.
  • Remain in your car. Someone from our team will come to your car to perform your test.

3. Receive results in about 48 hours.

You will receive an email when your test results are available in our Patient Portal, usually in 48 hours or less.

What It Is

The IC Labs COVID-19 RT-PCR is a real time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction test that uses a sample taken from a nasal swab to detect the ribonucleic acid (RNA) from SARS-CoV-2, commonly known as the coronavirus. It is also known as a molecular test, nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT), RT-PCR test and a LAMP test.

If this diagnostic test is positive, it means that it has detected the virus’ genetic material and the person is CURRENTLY infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Once the infection is gone, the RNA disappears, and the test will be negative.

A positive test is considered very accurate, but it’s possible to be infected with the virus and have a negative RNA result. Testing less than five to six days after exposure to the corona virus is likely to produce a negative RNA result. No Covid-19 test is 100% accurate, so it’s important to follow Covid-19 guidelines provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, such as social distancing.

This test is suitable for humans of any age, including infants.

We utilize the Thermo Fisher 7500 Real-Time PCR Covid-19 Assay. This test uses multiplex diagnostic solution technology and has been authorized by the FDA under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for use by authorized laboratories.

IC Labs is not contracted with your insurance company. However, you may be eligible to receive reimbursement for all or part of the cost of this test. Contact your health insurance company for eligibility details.

What It Is Not

The IC Labs COVID-19 RT-PCR test is not an antibody test. It does not reveal if you have already been exposed to an infection by detecting the presence of antibodies in a person’s blood or serum. Antibody testing is not typically used to diagnose a current infection as it takes the body some time to produce antibodies.

It is also not a rapid antigen test. Results may take 48 hours. For results in about 3 hours, we also offer a Rapid COVID-19 Antigen Test, a Rapid COVID-19 Molecular NAAT Test, and a Rapid COVID-19 RT-PCR Test.

This test is not currently accepted by the state of Hawaii as we are not yet on their list of Trusted Testing and Travel Partners.

Schedule Your COVID-19 RT-PCR Test Now

Now booking appointments at our locations in Henderson and in Las Vegas near the airport. Please select your preferred location, date and time. Then, complete your booking by entering your personal information and payment method.

You will be charged $229 when you schedule your appointment. This amount is non-refundable. We have a strict no cancellation, no refund policy, so please be sure you choose the right test, at the right location, on the right date, at the right time and enter the patient’s correctly spelled legal name before you book.

If your destination or airline requires a negative test, please ensure this test meets their requirements before booking. Not currently accepted by Hawaii.

Can’t wait 48 hours for results? Test and travel today or tomorrow with our Rapid COVID-19 Molecular NAAT Test or our Rapid COVID-19 RT-PCR Test. Same day appointments often available.

In an effort to reduce contact between our team and our patients, we have eliminated the exchange of paperwork at our lab. As such, the act of scheduling this COVID-19 diagnostic test serves as your acknowledgement of receipt and agreement that you have read, understand, and consent to the statements contained within our Informed Consent for COVID-19 Diagnostic Testing and Joint Notice of Privacy Practices form.

Can’t Wait 48 Hours for Results?

Can’t wait 48 hours for results because you are traveling soon? Our Rapid COVID-19 RT-PCR Test provides results by end of day. Same day appointments available


Is this COVID-19 RT-PCR Test Right for You?

Our team can help answer any additional questions you may have. Call us today.

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