
Rapid Influenza (Flu) A & B Diagnostic Testing While You Wait – $49

Each year, the flu infects 5-20% of Americans and more than 200,000 are hospitalized with severe and life threatening symptoms. If you experience any of the symptoms associated with Influenza such as headache, chills, dry cough, muscle or body aches, runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, fatigue and fever, ask for a rapid flu test near you in Las Vegas or Henderson. Rapid flu tests provide an efficient, accurate and rapid diagnosis for influenza A and B in about 15 minutes.

Reasons to have a Rapid Influenza (Flu) A & B Test may include:

  • Someone in your household or workplace has been diagnosed with the flu.
  • Experiencing one or more symptoms associated with the flu, but not concerned about RSV, strep or COVID-19.

Diagnosing influenza without testing can be difficult because the initial flu symptoms can be similar to COVID-19, RSV and strep. To be sure you don’t have one or more of these other viruses, check out one of our respiratory panels and COVID-19 tests.

Rapid diagnosis through testing helps reduce the spread of the flu and enables the use of antiviral therapy to reduce the duration of symptoms and chances of hospitalization. Get your Rapid Influenza (Flu) A & B Test today and get feeling better soon!

Rapid Influenza (Flu) A & B Test


Usually in about 15 minutes.

Not required. Drive-ups and walk-ins welcome.

Doctor’s Orders:
Not required.

What this Rapid Flu Test Is

The IC Labs Rapid Influenza (Flu) A & B Test uses a sample taken from a nasal swab to detect the nucleocapsid proteins from Influenza A and Influenza B, commonly known as the flu. If this rapid diagnostic test for Influenza A is positive, it means that the person is CURRENTLY infected with the Influenza A virus. If this rapid diagnostic test for Influenza B is positive, it means that the person is CURRENTLY infected with the Influenza B virus. Once the infection is gone, the antigens disappear, and the test will be negative.

A positive test is considered very accurate, but it’s possible to be infected with the virus and have a negative antigen result. No Influenza test is 100% accurate. Negative results do not preclude an influenza infection and should not be used as the sole basis for treatment for symptomatic patients.

This test is suitable for humans of any age, including infants.

We utilize the Acucy Influenza A&B Test. This chromatographic immunoassay provides rapid qualitative detection of the influenza A and B vial protein antigens from a nasal swab of symptomatic patients.

What this Rapid Flu Test Is Not

The test is not intended for the detection of influenza C viruses, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), COVID-19 or any other virus.

How Rapid Influenza (Flu) A & B Testing Works

No appointment is required for a flu test in Henderson. Drive-ups and walk-ins only.

Arriving in a personal vehicle:

  • Park in one of the parking spaces designated with an orange cone.
  • Text your name and space number to the number on the orange cone.
  • Remain in your car. Someone from our team will come to your car to perform your test.

Arriving on foot or by Uber, Lyft or cab:

  • Enter lab. To slow the spread in Southern Nevada, all vaccinated and unvaccinated guests are required to wear a face mask while inside our laboratory.
  • Check in with a lab tech by giving them your name.

If you choose to wait in your car, you may receive a print out of your results in as little as 15 minutes. Otherwise, you will receive an email when your test results are available in our Patient Portal, usually in about 15 minutes, but typically by the end of the day.

Self-ordered, Self-paid Lab Test Results FAST

At IC Labs, you are in control of your health. We do not require doctor’s orders for laboratory tests empowering you to choose the tests you want.

Unlike many medical laboratories that may not provide results for days or weeks, with IC Labs, you receive lab test results in as little as an hour, even less if you choose to wait. When your results are ready, we send them directly to you, not to your physician, enabling you to know your results faster.

We specialize in self-pay lab testing for patients with no insurance or high deductibles. IC Labs makes medical lab testing accessible and affordable for everyone and deliver results fast.

Feeling Sick?

The symptoms of the flu, RSV and strep and COVID-19 can be very similar. We offer other rapid respiratory virus tests that can help you determine exactly which virus or viruses you have. When you arrive for your test, tell the lab tech which symptoms you have and they can help determine which other test(s) may be appropriate. Additional tests will be offered at discounted rates.

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