
Rapid Streptococcal A (Strep) Testing While You Wait – $49

Early diagnosis and treatment of strep throat (also called streptococcal pharyngitis) has been shown to reduce the severity of symptoms and serious complications such as rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis. Conventional culture methods require 24 to 48 hours for results; however, IC Lab’s Rapid Streptococcal A (Strep) Test detects Group A Streptococci in 15 minutes enabling you to start treatment right away.

Group A Streptococci cause about 19% of all upper respiratory tract infections. Streptococcal pharyngitis, known as strep throat, is seasonal in nature with the highest prevalence found during the winter and early spring. The highest incidence of this disease is found in crowded populations such as military bases and school-aged children. Although the bacteria are spread through contact with respiratory secretions, direct contact is not necessary for infection to occur. Group A Streptococci can remain viable on surfaces for long periods of time, making it easy for the bacteria to spread through a population.

Strep throat symptoms may include:

  • Sore throat that can start very quickly
  • Pain when swallowing
  • Red and swollen tonsils, sometimes with white patches or streaks of pus
  • Tiny red spots on the roof of the mouth
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the front of the neck
  • Fever
  • Rash known as scarlet fever

Reasons to have a Rapid Strep Test may include:

  • Experiencing one or more symptoms associated with strep throat, but not concerned about influenza, RSV or COVID-19.
  • Someone in your household or workplace has been diagnosed with strep throat.

Diagnosing strep throat without testing can be difficult because the initial symptoms can be similar to COVID-19 and the flu. To be sure you don’t have one or more of these other viruses, check out one of our respiratory panels and COVID-19 tests.

There are treatments available for strep throat infections, but early diagnosis and treatment is critical. Get your Rapid Streptococcal A (Strep) Test today and help to reduce the severity of symptoms and prevent serious complications from developing.

Rapid Streptococcal A (Strep) Test


Usually in about 15 minutes.

Not required. Drive-ups and walk-ins welcome.

Doctor’s Orders:
Not required.

What this Rapid Strep Test Is

The IC Labs Rapid Streptococcal A (Strep) Test uses a sample taken from a throat swab to detect the nucleocapsid proteins from streptococcal group A bacteria, commonly known as strep throat. If this rapid diagnostic test for strep A is positive, it means that the person is CURRENTLY infected with the streptococcal group A bacteria. Once the infection is gone, the antigens disappear, and the test will be negative.

A positive test is considered very accurate, but it’s possible to be infected with the bacteria and have a negative antigen result. No strep test is 100% accurate. Negative results do not preclude a streptococcal group A bacterial infection and should not be used as the sole basis for treatment for symptomatic patients.

This test is suitable for humans of any age, including infants.

We utilize the Quidel QuickVue+ Strep A Test. This lateral-flow immunoassay uses a sample from the throat of symptomatic patients and contains a highly specific and sensitive antibody to Group A Strep antigen.

What this Rapid Strep Test Is Not

The test is not intended for the detection of influenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus, COVID-19 or any other virus.

How Rapid Streptococcal (Strep) Testing Works

No appointment is required for a strep test in Henderson. Drive-ups and walk-ins only.

Arriving in a personal vehicle:

  • Park in one of the parking spaces designated with an orange cone.
  • Text your name and space number to the number on the orange cone.
  • Remain in your car. Someone from our team will come to your car to perform your test.

Arriving on foot or by Uber, Lyft or cab:

  • Enter lab. To slow the spread in Southern Nevada, all vaccinated and unvaccinated guests are required to wear a face mask while inside our laboratory.
  • Check in with a lab tech by giving them your name.

If you choose to wait in your car, you may receive a print out of your results in as little as 15 minutes. Otherwise, you will receive an email when your test results are available in our Patient Portal, usually in about 15 minutes, but typically by the end of the day.

Fast, Easy and Affordable

In today’s society, it seems as though we are constantly told what to do and how to do it. We often feel like our lives are out of our control. At IC Labs, we want to change that. We empower you to take control of your health by giving you the information and tools you need to make informed decisions about your own body.

We don’t require doctor’s orders for laboratory tests; instead, you choose the tests YOU want. And unlike many medical laboratories that may not provide results for days or weeks, IC Labs delivers lab test results FAST – usually in an hour or less. When your results are ready, we send them directly to you, not to your physician, enabling you to know your results faster than ever before.

We specialize in self-pay lab testing for patients with no insurance or high deductibles and make medical lab testing accessible and affordable for everyone. So why wait? Visit us today and take charge of your health!

Feeling Sick?

The symptoms of strep, influenza, RSV and COVID-19 can be very similar. We offer other rapid respiratory virus tests that can help you determine exactly which infection you have. When you arrive for your test, tell the lab tech which symptoms you have and they can help determine which other test(s) may be appropriate. Additional tests will be offered at discounted rates.

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